Rev. and Mrs. Quinctus Ennis Whaley left an early and lasting legacy in Hannibal
Mary E. Whaley taught elementary grades at both Lincoln and Douglass schools in Hannibal. Photo contributed by Major Griggsby. Rev. and...

A few burials at Robinson Cemetery in Hannibal, Mo.
I came across the following death notices during my research for the Robinson Cemetery story, posted at www.maryloumontgomery.com June...

Robinson Cemetery lineage rich in Marion County history
This is the original plat map of Robinson Cemetery, drawn in 1921. MARY LOU MONTGOMERY When Moses Gentry was about 27 years old circa...

For decades, diners invited to "Eat A Meal With Old Fred Long"
This advertisement appeared in the “The Colored Directory 1929.” Accessed via the Hannibal Free Public Library. MARY LOU MONTGOMERY Fred...

Larry D. Harris: At age 6 or 7, I was the only colored, 'black' Catholic in Hannibal, Missou
Jean and Scott Meyer, owners of the Fette House on Palmyra Road, share this photo of their house, taken in the early 1900s. At the back...

The Notorious Madam Shaw: Family slave tells of 1839 scandal inside Catherine Casey's Lexington
Five-year-old slave Andrew Jackson lived in Catherine Casey's household on High Street, between Upper and Mulberry, in 1839. A few years...

W.T. Johnson shares inspiring story of M.L. King Jr.'s life
W.T. Johnson, professional storyteller and retired educator, was a guest reader at Veterans Elementary School on Friday, Jan. 13, 1017....

A tribute to those who help preserve stories from the past
Jack Wasson , left, and his wife, Geneva, right, pose with collectibles from the Quality Dairy, which was once located at 1248 Lyon...

Thurston Miles, born a slave, built a land legacy for his descendants
This photo illustration shows the area to the east of Fulton Avenue in 1899. MARY LOU MONTGOMERY Surely, nobody ever told Thurston Miles...