Here are two more Hannibal Junior High School home ec cookie recipes
As seventh graders taking home ec at Hannibal Junior High school the 1963-64 school year, our class made three cookie recipes. Our...
Do you remember this?
After seeing a post: Do you remember this? on Facebook accompanying a home ec kitchen from the 1960s, it occurred to me that I might have...
Washington Crisps made 100 years ago in Quincy, Ill.
I found this brochure contained within Steve Chou's vast photo archives, and I thought you might enjoy it as much as I have. Washington...
2006: An easy way to please a crowd: Ziplock Omelets, Arsene Burton
Egg photo by Mike McDade, Mary Lou Montgomery's cousin-in-law Hannibal Courier-Post, Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2006 Author: Mary Lou Montgomery...