Political leader, Boston baseball team owner possessed deep Hannibal roots
Photo: Library of Congress MARY LOU MONTGOMERY Matilda P. Richmond hails from one of Hannibal’s earliest business families, the...

Veteran journalist Scoug Scougal apprenticed at the age of 10; was among Iowa's first linotype o
art: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alexander Duane Scougal, considered to be one of the most colorful journalistic writers of his...

Hannibal Journalist John B. Powell paid a high price for outspoken views against communism
​ MARY LOU MONTGOMERY A man of unparalleled conviction, John B. Powell rests eternally in Hannibal’s Riverside Cemetery, his once...

Four decades later, Steve Holland retraces journalism path in Hannibal
Steve Holland was fresh out of journalism school at the University of Iowa in 1974, when he landed his first newspaper job. Then-Hannibal...

Quintessence of Impudence
Nov. 30, 1874, Hannibal Clipper The quintessence of impudence is to complain to an editor about something that was in or something that...

Value of a good tobacco chew
Tobacco Hannibal Messenger, Sept. 15, 1859 Economical – a man who chews fourteen dollars worth of tobacco a year, and stops his newspaper...

Digital newspaper searches make former journalists' work accessible
Researching newspapers. The Hannibal Free Public Library offers access to The Hannibal Clipper, including issues from 1874, 1875 and...

"Stern Wheeler": In 1876, Historic journalist's last words written for 'Hannibal
Hannibal Courier-Post (MO) - Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Charles L. Wheeler , of the same generation but seven years older than Sam...
Old-time analysis of journalistic profession
A newspaper man March 26, 1890 Grand Forks Harold, Genealogy Bank A man who writeth for a newspaper is of few days and lots of grief. He...

Long-time Courier-Post editor announces retirement plans
MARY LOU MONTGOMERY Courier-Post Editor I received a phone call on Thursday from Paul D. Munger of Rolla, a descendant of Paul R. Munger,...