A new/old word: kalsomining
I cam across the following little article in the Hannibal Clipper, accessed via the Hannibal Free Public Library's website. The Robert...
WWI veterans danced free at jitney street dance in their honor
A street carnival, featuring a jitney dance, was planned in Hannibal on May 23, 1919, located on North Fifth Street, between Broadway and...

Quintessence of Impudence
Nov. 30, 1874, Hannibal Clipper The quintessence of impudence is to complain to an editor about something that was in or something that...

Hannibal educator had a way with kids, as well as a passion for spelling words
R.B.D. Simonson, Hannibal school superintendent 1892-1907 (Photo from Mirror of Hannibal) MARY LOU MONTGOMERY Published April 4, 2015, in...

Defining physiognomy
I'm reading a letter that was written in 1865, and I came across the word "phisiognomy." "I have heard of men's having a phisiognomy that...

Define: Specie payment
In an old letter I found, the writer refers to the Missouri Bank suspending specie payments in October 1857. Not knowing what "specie...
Historic vocabulary: Manumit
Manumit: To release from slavery www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/manumit Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865, page 90s...
What is an arpent?
I came across the word "arpent" in an old deed at the Ralls County, Mo., Courthouse. The reference was in this context: "800 arpents on...
What is a farrier? 1852
Here's an interesting word from an 1852 Hannibal newspaper: "James Griffith would respectfully offer his services as a Farrier." What is...