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1852: Two beeves passing on Hannibal's Main Street

Highland Cattle

This is one of the funniest little tidbits of information I've found in awhile. It came from the Hannibal Journal March 25, 1852. Just imagine this scene. "Beeves" walking past the Mark Twain Brewery, Hickory Stick, Picture Perfect frame gallery, Ole' Planters restaurant, past Henry Sweets at the Mark Twain Museum.

Two beeves passing on Main Street

Hannibal Journal, March 25, 1852

Fine stock: We noticed on Monday, two enormous beeves passing up Main Street. They were raised near West Ely, and were being driven to St. Louis. Their weight, as ascertained by the city weigher, was, of the largest 2,275 pounds; the other 2,270 pounds.

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