1920: The Bibb twins loyal members of Fifth Street Baptist Church

I firmly believe that a community is a compilation of each and every person who lives and/or works within its parameters. I came across this story, which represents an integral part of Hannibal's past. Enjoy.
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Oct. 24, 1920
The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, Okla., chroniclingamerical.loc.gov
From the Hannibal (Missouri) Evening Courier Post the following is taken which tells of the life of L.C. and E.T. Bibb, the former the father of Mrs. S.F. Whitman of Ardmore:
Hannibal has a pair of twins 84 years old, with a record of church and Sunday school service that is without a parallel. The twins are L.C. and E.T. Bibb, who have been attendants of the Baptist church and Sunday school for three-quarters of a century. They have not only had their names on the church and Sunday school rosters as members, but have been constant in their attendance and today, although they have passed the four score year mark in life, their health is good and from present indications they will be spared for many more years service in the Master’s Kingdom.
“They have been members of the church for 68 years, having professed faith in Christ and united with the church in Virginia. For 15 years L.C. Bibb has attended Sunday school every Sunday and for 20 years he has failed in attendance only on two Sundays and these were on account of sickness. They are members of Fifth Street Baptist church and their pews are seldom ever vacant. L.C. Bibb is a member of the board of deacons of this church.
“These splendid Christian men also break another record in the fact that they are the sons of Rev. W.H. Bibb, one of the ablest of the pioneer Baptist ministers of northeast Missouri. They came of that sturdy Virginia stock, having been born in that state May 29, 1836. They grew to young manhood in Virginia, leaving there with their parents in 1856 and locating in central Iowa near Marshtown. After spending two years in Iowa, L.C. Bibb located in Pike county, Missouri, on a farm near Clarksville. Remaining there for a few years he moved to Bowling Green in the same county where he lived for 17 years. He located in Hannibal in 1904.
E.T. Bibb has spent the greater portion of his life in Iowa. He came to Hannibal in 1917 and makes his home with his brother at 1214 Lyon Street.
L.C. Bibb was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Mitchell of Lincoln county, Missouri, who with her husband has grown old in the service of the Lord. To this union five children were born: Arthur and Lofton of Hannibal; Mrs. Lee Heuber of Ada; Mrs. Blanche Whitman of Ardmore and Mrs. Addie Dameron of Hannibal.
E.T. Bibb’s wife died several years ago. He has four living children, Arthur of St. Louis, Byron of Seattle, Wash., Harry and Miss Carrie of Chicago.
It is not believed that there is a pair of twins throughout the length and breadth of the country that has such a splendid record for church service as the Bibb twins.
On the 29th of May, 1920, the twins celebrated their 84th birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitman attended the celebration.