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Stillwell murder, 1888: Hearne's office, Stillwell house in close proximity

Stillwell neighborhood.jpg

Dr. Hearne was the lead suspect in the December 1888 murder of noted Hannibal businessman Amos Stillwell. His office was located on the south side of Broadway, four or five doors to the north of Fifth Street. The back of the Stillwell mansion, which was located on the west side of South Fifth, and the back door of the doctor's office were accessible through a gate in the adjoining back yards.

Dr. Hearne was ultimately acquitted of the crime.

In the year 2000, Chase Hickman, a Hannibal attorney, edited a previously written book about the sensational murder, added footnotes and provided it in a digital format that is available via the Hannibal Free Public Library's website.

To access this book, click here

This drawing, of Dr. Hearne's office building, was published in the San Francisco Chronicle on April 16, 1895.

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