‘Golden Spike’ linked East to West on Feb. 13, 1859, along Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad line

Cream Ridge, a long ago abandoned settlement about eight miles north of Chillicothe, Missouri, provided the setting for the ceremonial placement of the “golden spike,” on Feb. 13, 1859, connecting the final rails linking east and west for the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad.
In 1929, seventy years following the placement of that final spike, the Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune reported that a monument still existed at the site.
“Construction forces from Hannibal on the east and St. Joseph on the west met at this point at 7 a.m. February 13, 1859, and made the connection which completed the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad across the state of Missouri.”
The Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad company was organized in Hannibal January 8, 1851. The men behind the project were Robert M. Stewart, afterward governor of the state, Gen. James Craig and Judge J. B. Gardenshire.
Construction commenced at Hannibal that year. Work started in St. Joseph in 1857.
Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune
Feb. 11, 1929 newspapers.com
Joshua Gentry, president of the H&St.Jo Railroad, road from east to west along the line in 1859. Click here
To see more information on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, click here