1946: Two printers are honored by Typographical Union No. 88

At right: A linotype machine looks similar to a typewriter (linotypefilm.com).
Palmyra Spectator, Palmyra, Mo. Nov. 27 1946, newspapers.com
Circuit Clerk and Recorder Eugene B. Poole, of Palmyra, and Delmar W. (Doby) Rhino, who hands for many years have been among those “which keep the world informed,” were honored at a banquet given at the Mark Twain hotel in Hannibal Saturday night by the members of Typographical Union No. 88. On behalf of the International Printers’ Union, Mr. Poole was awarded a 40-year service pin, and Mr. Rhino, one of the oldest employees of the Courier-Post in Hannibal, was presented with a 50-year pin. Both presentations were made by John H. Abrams, president of the Hannibal Typographical Union.
Mr. Poole, a number of years ago, was employed by the Hannibal Morning Journal now a part of the present Hannibal Courier-Post. Later Mr. Poole and Vol Burnett founded the Waybill Printing company in Hannibal, now the Klene printing company. Mr. Poole worked at the printing trade until he was elected circuit clerk and recorder four years ago and this year was reelected to another four year term.
At the banquet, both Mr. Poole and Mr. Rhino made talks in which they reviewed their long years of service and gave many interesting incidents. The committee in charge of arrangements was composed of J.J. Freeman, chairman; W.J. Stevens and Zeno Klene.
On advertising matter sponsored by and in the interest of the Merganthaler Linotype company, there is a small trade emblem with a pair of hands at a Linotype keyboard. Just above the hands a bright light shines down, and underneath the picture is the inscription, “the Hands That Keep the World Informed.” Most all printers and newspapermen like to look at this picture. There is something about it that knits into their lives. Well, the hands of Gene Poole and Doby Rhino have long been among those which have kept the world informed and they have been fittingly honored by the fellows who have worked with them, for so many years of service well given.
The following from Palmyra attended the banquet: Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cary and son, Bob; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ragar, Mrs. J. M. Sells and Milton Cary.