In 1922, F. Quattrocchi & Sons added refrigeration unit to their Hannibal produce warehouse

The F. Quattrocchi and Son produce warehouse, located at the foot of Church Street in Hannibal, Mo., in 1913. Photo contributed by Anne Quattrocchi Stoll

Frank Quattrocci Sr., who had relocated to the United States from his native Italy, opened his first produce store in Hannibal at 710 Broadway. His young family lived upstairs over the retail store. Pictured are the buildings that currently stand in the 700 block of Broadway. The middle building is believed to have been the location of Quattrocchi Bros., fruits, nuts and confections in 1888. MARY LOU MONTGOMERY
For the Courier-Post
Saverio (Frank) Quattrocchi Sr. was a fruit man all of life, a lemon grower in his native Italy before moving to the United States in 1884.
Settling in Hannibal four years after his immigration, he opened shop at 710 Broadway – the first in a series of retail, then later wholesale, Quattrocchi-family produce stores in town.
Living upstairs over the produce shop were his wife, Michale Baldali Dedmeosi Quattrocchi, and their young son Joseph. Together with Saverio’s brother, Vincenzo (Joseph), they operated Quattrocchi Bros., fruits, nuts and confections. By the time Frank Sr.’s second son Anthony Quattrocchi was born on Christmas Day, 1889, the family was well on its way to impacting Hannibal’s business climate for the next five decades.
Three more Quattrocchi children would be born to Frank Sr., and his wife, who was nicknamed Maggie, in rapid succession. Daughter Antonia Quattrocchi was born in 1891; Salvatore Quattrocchi arrived in 1892, and Frank Quattrocchi Jr., was born in 1895.
By that time, with four young children to care for, the Quattrocchi Bros., had expanded to a second store, Joseph managing the original store at 710 Broadway, and Saverio (Frank Sr.), conducting business at 227 Broadway. Frank Sr., had moved his growing family to 118 S. Fourth.
By 1900, Frank Sr.’s family had expanded further, adding sons Vincent and John before the 1900 Census was recorded.
In 1901, when Frank Jr., was just six years old, Frank Sr., moved his store and family to 208 South Main, his family living upstairs over the produce store. Two years later, Frank Sr.’s produce store relocated to 208 S. Main.
In 1909, Frank and Maggie Quattrocchi had two fruit stands in Hannibal, one each at 218 and 302 South Main. The sons were getting old enough to work in the family business, and there were many mouths to feed. By 1913, Frank Quattrocchi had opened a produce warehouse, located at 108 Church Street, north side of the street and to the east of the railroad tracks.
Frank Quattrocchi
comes of age
Just as Frank Jr., was old enough to participate in the family business, the military called upon the men of his generation to fight the war to end all wars. Frank Jr., served for less than a year, and then returned to Hannibal where his role in conducting the family business quickly escalated.
In about 1921, Frank, by then 34, married Mary R., who was 10 years his junior. Frank Jr., was rather short and somewhat round, but few would ever question that he knew his produce.
In 1922, Frank Quattrocchi & Sons, built a new refrigeration facility, featuring a state of the art refrigeration plant.
On March 17, 1928, Frank Sr., and his sons formed a partnership, expanding the warehouse and retail business to Moberly. Some of the sons moved to Moberly with their families, while others stayed in Hannibal. Frank Jr., was among those who continued to call Hannibal home. Those involved in the partnership were Frank Sr., Frank Jr., Joseph, John, Vincent, Salvadore, Anthony and Leo Quattrochi.
As happened with many businesses during the Great Depression, financial difficulties were ahead for the family. A lawsuit between family members ensued, and bankruptcy was inevitable.
The 1930 Census recorded Frank Jr.’s family living at 208 S. Fourth Street, family members consisting of he and his wife, Mary, daughters Dorothy and Marguarite, and Frank Sr., who was widowed.
The mid to late 1930s were a time a change and adjustment for the Quattrocchis. Frank and Mary opened a fruit store in Hannibal, as did Salvadore Quattrocchi and his wife. They purchased the McMurry Grocery Company on Church Street in 1936, while Salvadore continued to work with the wholesale fruit business.
Frank Quattrocchi Sr., died Feb. 27, 1937.
Anthony Quattrochi was the first of Frank Sr.’s sons to die, in 1928 at the age of 39. Cause of death, cancer of the face.
Joseph B. Quattrocchi was operating a tavern at the time of his death on May 10, 1942. He lived at 812 Birch Street.
John C. Quattrocchi, who was in ill health for about four years before his death, died in May 1943 at the home of his mother in law, Mrs. George Griffin, in Hannibal. He had served as sales manager for the family company.
Salvador Quattrocci served in World War I, and died Aug. 14, 1951. Mr. Quattrocchi was well known in Palmyra and Hannibal and for many years was connected with the Mark Twain Produce Co.
Leo F. Quattrocchi died Jan. 4, 1964, at the age of 60. He was living with his son, William Quattrocchi.
Antonia Quattrocchi married Salvator Fusco, and raised her family in Boonville, Mo.
Many members of the Quattrocchi family are buried in Hannibal’s Holy Family Cemetery.
Visit to homeland
Frank Sr., and his brother Joe were the sons of Joseph Vincenzio and Rosalie Palmisano Quattrocchi, who remained in Italy. Joe Quattrocchi left his homeland in 1899, settling in Louisiana, Mo. In 1925, the two brothers would venture back to their homeland for a visit.

Frank Quattrocchi Jr., is pictured inside of his produce store in Hannibal, probably in the 1930s. Photo contributed by Anne Quattrocchi Stoll

Mary Crupi Quattrocchi is pictured in front of Frank Quattrocchi’s produce store in Hannibal. Photo contributed by Anne Quattrocchi Stoll

This close up image of the 1913 Sanborn map of Hannibal, Mo., shows the location of the F. Quattrocchi & Son Fruits and Produce warehouse. It was located at 108 Church Street, east of the railroad tracks.